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Mr. Fazio's Spring Break Virtual Plant Collection. 2012.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Moss (Campylopus flexuosus)

Date Collected: April 2, 2012
Location Collected: On a walk in the Mar Vista Area.
Clade: Moss is a non-vascular, seedless plant that produces spores.
Habitat: They grow near each other in clumps or mats in damp, shady areas and best known for the species that cover forest and woodland forests.
Nativity: Native to Arctic and Antarctic regions, these mosses form extensive covers on wetlands and near watercourses.
Special notes:  In Finland, peat mosses have been used for bread during breads and as Christmas decorations in Mexico. In Northern American tribes, mosses were used for wound dressing, basketry, and diapers.

Verbena (Verbena Temari)

Date Collected: April 2, 2012
Location Collected: In my aunts backyard in Mar Vista.
Clade: The Verbena belongs to the vascular plants and the dicot angiosperms.
Habitat: This annually growing plant thrives best in the full sunlight and moist, well-drained soil. It grows in all zones from spring through early autumn.
Nativity: It is native to North America and crossing borders such as that of Northern Canada and Southern Mexico.
Special notes: Verbena is used in herbal medicine usually as herbal tea, Spanish Verbena oil, liquor, and perfumes.

Sage (Salvia Microphylla)

Date Collected: April 2, 2012
Location Collected: In my backyard, the Mar Vista area.
Clade: Salvia belongs to the vascular plants along with the eudicot angiosperms. 
Habitat: Sage grows at its best in sixty to seventy degrees Fahrenheit, full sun, and moist, well-drained soil; it can tolerate few watering.
Nativity: Native to the Mediterranean region, it is now also grown in Central Europe and Asia Minor.
Special notes: Salvia divinorum, a hallucinogen, meaning sage of the seers or sacred sage was used in ceremonies by Central American Indians.

California Poppy (Eschscholzia Californica)

Date Collected: April 3, 2012
Location Collected: At my aunts house in the Mar Vista area.
Clade: The California Poppies belong to the vascular plants. They are also classified as dicot angiosperms.
Habitat: Grows well in disturbed areas such as roadsides; commonly used for horticultures, revegetation, and the beautification of highways. Easy to grow, drought-tolerant, and self-feeding are its common characteristics.
Nativity: Native to California and Western United States where April 6 marks the celebration of the poppy as the state flower.
 Special notes:  The poppy is usually used as symbols during the remembrance of soldiers who passed away in war fighting to defend their country. In herbal medicine, it is used to counter the effects of anxiety and insomnia commonly seen in drugs and pills.

Passion Flower (Passiflora Kewinsis)

Date Collected: April 2, 2012
Location Collected: At my aunts house in the Mar Vista area.
Clade: The Passion flower belongs to the vascular plants. It can also be classified into the Eudicot Angiosperms. The Passion Flower also gives off fruit.
Habitat: This beautiful area grows in partially shaded, dry areas and along wood and fences all around the United States of America.
Nativity: It is native to the southeastern portions of the Americas but is now being cultivated all around Europe.
Special notes: It was initially used in the Americas and Europe as a calming herb for anxiety, insomnia, seizures, and hysteria. Up to this date it is still being used to treat insomnia and anxiety.

Heliotrope (Heliotropium)

Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: My aunts backyard in Mar Vista.
Clade: Heliotrope belongs to the vascular plant family. It can also be classified as a eudicot angiosperm.
Habitat: Thrives in an environment with full sun and well-drained moist soil. It grows all year long averaging one to three feet tall and one or two feet wide.
Nativity: The Southeastern states of New Jersey and Florida are where this plant is native. It commonly grows in New England and Australia, which is where it affects the cattle.
Special notes: Southeastern Europe uses the heliotrope for different fragrances while ironically Australia constantly fights against it because of the poisoning of its cattle.

Lantana (Lantana Camara)

Date Collected: April 6, 2012
Location Collected: In my aunts backyard in Mar Vista.
Clade: The Lantanas belong to the vascular plants along with the eudicot angiosperms. 
Habitat: Lantanas need regular watering the first couple of weeks until the roots have spread out. They require sunlight and not too much fertilizer since it will cause them to be prone to diseases. Although they are drought tolerant, being in too dry of an environment will decrease their bloom, performance, and growth rate.
Nativity: They are native to tropical regions of the Americas and Africa but also grow as invasive plants in Asia and Australia.
Special notes:  Lantana berries are edible only when ripe. Due to Lantana being naturalized in the southeast , areas of the United States such as Florida, Carolina, and the Gulf Coast are now referred to as “Egg and Ham”.