Collected: April 4, 2012
Location Collected: The grapevine was in my grandfathers backyard.
Clade: The Vitis Vinifera is a vascular plant. The plant belongs to the dicot angiosperms and produces fruit.
Grapes require full sun but will survive in shade with organic soil. The frost
at nighttime can be fatal to these crops Commonly found in the grapevines of
the California valley. Manure, hay, straw, or weeds may be used to maintain the
organic matter in soil.
Vitis Vinifera are native to Asia Minor, where these delicious grow up to this
date but are limited to the Northern Hemisphere.
notes: These grapes are grown as food,
eaten fresh, or processed into products like raisins, wine, and juice. Grape
seeds contain 6-20% oil; which is used for edible reasons, soaps, and some
cultures eat the leaves.
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