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Mr. Fazio's Spring Break Virtual Plant Collection. 2012.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Lavender (Lavendula)

Date Collected: April 4, 2012
Location Collected: The flower district, Downtown Los Angeles.
Clade: Lavender belongs to the dicot angiosperms. It is also among the many vascular plants.
Habitat: Lavender growth is best at full sun, pH of 6.4- 8.2, dry, sandy, and well-drained soils, and shady or damp location.
Nativity: It is native to Cape Verde, the Canary Islands, Southern Europe, the Mediterranean, and Asia. 
Special notes: The medical uses include herpes, denture issues, ovulation pain, mouth ulcers, phobias, and wrinkles. In Europe, dried lavender is used as seasoning fro meat and vegetables.

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