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Mr. Fazio's Spring Break Virtual Plant Collection. 2012.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Orchid (Phalaenopsis)

Date Collected: April 1,2012
Location Collected: One of my grandfathers many Orchids in his backyard.
Clade: The Phalaenopsis is an Orchid which belongs to the vascular clade and the angiosperm clade.
Habitat: These orchids enjoy a warm climate with the ideal night temperature being sixty-two to sixty-five degrees Fahrenheit. Their daytime range is from seventy to eighty degrees Fahrenheit. Since, Phalaenopsis are of monopodium growth without any psuedobulbs to help store moisture, they require fifty to seventy percent humidity.
Nativity: The orchids are native to the southeastern region of Asia and are commonly found in the Philippines.
Special notes:  In Asia, these orchids, on average, bloom five to nine times per stem. Due to the beauty of these plants, they are commonly used as decorations in households, boutiques, weddings, funerals, hotel arrangements, and birthday parties.

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