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Mr. Fazio's Spring Break Virtual Plant Collection. 2012.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Gardenia (Gardenia Jasminoides)

Date Collected: April 2, 2012
Location Collected: On a walk in the Mar Vista area.
Clade: Gardenias belong to the vascular plants. They are part of the dicot angiosperms.
Habitat: Since the gardenia is a tropical plant, it grows best in warm temperatures and humid environments. Bright indirect sunlight, needs to be placed in acidic, moist, well-drained soil, regular watering, and organic matter help grow this plant to its fullest potential.
Nativity: This species of the gardenia are naïve to China and commonly cultivated in Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, and India.
Special notes:  This plant is used as a yellow dye in Korean clothing and food such as hwanpomuk. Pacific Islanders use its fragrances to create beautiful flower bracelets.

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